straight person

straight personstraight person
  1. Oh , I love it when a straight person and a gay person go out together .


  2. Even thought I did think he asked too straightly and directly , but did not really mind that much since I myself is also a straight person , whatever he asked I just answered with fact .


  3. Hi , I 'm an outgoing , open-minded , Love-caring and straight forward person . I completed my university education in canada . I consider myself as an artistic and romantic man .


  4. Show that you are confident by looking straight at the person .


  5. I told him straight no divorced person can ever be received at court .


  6. You will have to say it loudly , openly , while looking straight into the person 's eyes .


  7. A strong , straight line indicates a person with a focused career ;


  8. If the line goes straight across , the person keeps a tight rein on their emotions .


  9. A strong , straight line indicates a person with a focused career ; a faint line suggests someone less happy with their job .
